Complaints & Reports
Below is our complaints procedure as adopted on 1 May 2007
Article 1 – Objective of the complaints procedure
The complaints procedure has the following objectives: a. to do justice to the individual complainant; b. to promote the quality of the services provided by Wings of Support.
Article 2 – Definitions
In these regulations, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) Complaint: Any written expression of dissatisfaction by or on behalf of a complainant regarding Wings of Support’s methods and/or services. This may be in general or based on the actions or omissions of the board of Wings of Support, a committee of Wings of Support or an individual employee of Wings of Support, which cannot be remedied after an explanation and/or immediate correction.
b) Complainant: Any natural or legal person.
c) Complaints Committee: The board of Wings of Support. The Complaints Committee is supported by the Secretariat.
Article 3 – Who can submit a complaint.
Any natural or legal person.
Article 4 – Submitting a complaint
A complaint can be sent to: Wings of Support o.v.v. Complaint SPL/NK P.O. Box 7700 1117 ZL Schiphol and/or to:
Article 5 – The procedure
– As soon as possible after receipt at the secretariat, the complaint will be categorised so that it can be determined which committee and/or officer will handle the complaint.
– The complaint is then registered.
– The complainant receives confirmation of receipt of the complaint within 14 days of its receipt. If possible, it is indicated under whose responsibility the complaint will be dealt with and within what time frame a response may be expected.
– If possible, the complaint will first be discussed between the complainant and the person directly involved.
– After the background of the complaint has been investigated internally, the necessary steps will be taken to properly answer the complaint. The basic principle is that the complaint is answered as soon as possible, with a maximum deadline of ten weeks.
– The complaint is considered settled when the complainant has received the answer, whereby Wings of Support is convinced that it has made every effort, in all reasonableness and fairness and in line with the gravity of the complaint, to answer the complaint properly.
Article 6 – Registration of judgments in complaints register
All judgements of complaints handled shall be registered in the complaints register. The secretariat of Wings of Support maintains this register.
We make every effort to ensure the safety of children. Wings of Support operates a zero-tolerance policy. This simply means that we do not accept any form of misconduct, abuse, fraud or corruption and follow up on all reports.
To oversee this, we have two independent persons fully dedicated to integrity. In addition, we review our rules and guidelines every two years. Where necessary, we adjust them.
The subject of integrity is also raised during the application process for new employees. For instance, a candidate must be able to submit a recent Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG). We also have internal regulations and a policy on undesirable behaviour that everyone must comply with, including the institutions in our projects. This way, we do everything possible to prevent integrity issues.
Below are the links to the mentioned documents:
– Link By-laws
– Link code of conduct
– Link policy undesirable behaviour
Despite all the precautions we take at Wings of Support, things can unfortunately go wrong. Violent undesirable things can happen that go completely against our rules and guidelines. Think, for example, of misconduct, fraud or sexual exploitation.
If you feel this is the case, let us know as soon as possible! You can do this through the integrity committee. This allows you to make a report quickly, confidentially and safely. We work with two independent external experts on this. You can file a report in Dutch or English and you can choose to remain anonymous. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can do this by sending an e-mail to
We take every report seriously. And where necessary, we intervene immediately. This is how we ensure the safety of our children and staff. Together, we make Wings of Support even better, stronger and safer for everyone. If it appears that we need to adjust our policy, we will do so immediately.